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Skylar Grey – C’Mon Let Me Ride Ft. Eminem

Skylar Grey is the kind of girl you want to kick it with. She rides bikes, plays with axes, and wears the kind of clothes only cool kids can get away with. If all that’s not enough, she’s also got Eminem featured in her new video for “C’Mon Let Me Ride.”

Set in a trailer park, the music video looks like it was a blast to shoot. There are plastic surgeries taking place-using chainsaws, ladies on the luscious side with their pool hitched onto the back of Eminem’s bike.

Skylar even seems to make a poke at some of the scenes in Katy Perry’s “California Girls” music video.

“I hope people enjoy watching this video as much as I enjoyed making it,” said Skylar. “For anyone who didn’t already figure out how sarcastic the song is, the video certainly makes it clear. Em definitely brought his sense of humor to it and so did I. Take a close look at the scene where I’m wearing a very girly sexy polka-dot outfit because it’s not likely to happen again.”

“When I was working on Recovery I was introduced to Skylar by Alex Da Kid and I was blown away with her talent as both a songwriter and vocalist,” Eminem adds about working with Skylar. “This album is really going to give her a chance to connect with the fans who probably know her music, but might not know her yet. I think they will be as impressed as I am.”

Well done Grey. Well done.

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