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Jay-Z to Help Score ‘The Great Gatsby’ Film Remake

Jay-Z may possibly be the second rap act after Three 6 Mafia to the win an Academy Award for music in a film. Jay is responsible for scoring the music for an upcoming adaptation of The Great Gatsby along with producer/singer/songwriter/filmmaker Jeymes Samuel of the Bullitts.
One hint of Jay’s involvement can be seen in the movie trailer below, where Hov and Kanye West’s “No Church In The Wild” backs the clip’s action. The song’s context rightfully fits the movie’s atmosphere of luxury and opulence.
Another inkling of Jay’s involvement in the film comes from comments from cast members like Isla Fischer back in April 2012, who said director Baz Luhrmann played Jay-Z music on the set. “On my first day he had Jay-Z pumped up full, and we did the entire scene with, you know, Jay-Z in our ear on full blast while acting, and it was just so liberating,” she told MTV.
Jay’s co-scorer Jeymes Samuel tweeted about the progress of the project on Sunday (Dec. 30): “Jay-Z and myself have been working tirelessly on the score for the upcoming #CLASSIC The Great Gatsby! It is too DOPE for words!” he exclaimed.
The Great Gatsby stars Leonardo DiCaprio and hits theaters on May 10, 2013.

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