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First Look: Nicki Minaj’s Kmart Clothing Collection

When Nicki Minaj said she was doing a clothing line for Kmart a few months back, the notion was that the rapstress’ colorful style would tastefully infuse with Kmart’s traditionally plain style and form a happy, fashionable medium. Minaj even said she was aiming for the everyday look of the average working woman.

“My fans are like ‘Hey Nicki, we want the crazy leggings’ and stuff like that but we also want to have things that we can wear whether we are going to work or whatever. I’m really focused on the dresses! I’ve been feeling so romantic and sexy lately.”

With bedazzled captain hats, bustiers, and bright leggings, it seems the line is more wackily colorful than expected! But this might correlate with Minaj’s core demographic for her clothing line, which are girls and women in their teens and 20s. Plus, maybe the designs shown in the clip and photos is just the party portion of the collection.

Ladies, will you be rocking these threads when they hit the Kmart racks?

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