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Chief Keef Pays Some Child Support, Avoids Jail Time

The thought of going back to Jail may have been the reason why he did it, but Chief Keef finally coughed up some cash for child support.

After making a deal with the courts to prevent any jail time, the “Sosa” rapper recently paid the unnamed teenage mother of his daughter $11,000 and now he owes $20,900 in back support payments.

As previously reported, Keef, real name Keith Cozart, had to face a judge after failing to pay a court-ordered $2,600a-month sum to his child’s mother.

Keef was recently ordered to spend 90 days in rehab for violating his probation by testing positive for marijuana. He was ordered to stay sober after pleading guilty to a charge of speeding following an arrest in May (13).

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