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Kanye West Exits Nike For Adidas, Wants Fans to Boycott Louis Vuitton

Kanye West has signed a new partnership deal with sportswear giant Adidas, and he says he did the deal for his family.

Speaking with New York’s Hot 97 radio host Angie Martinez, Ye insist, “I took the Adidas deal because I have royalties and I have to provide for my family.”

He adds: “Whatever is official, non-official, official-what y'all gonna see is I'm gonna be the Tupac of product.”

Kanye then took his braggadocios personality to another level, claiming, “I'm gonna be the first hip-hop designer and because of that I'm gonna be bigger than Wal-Mart.”

On why he joined team Adidas, Kanye says he left Nike because they didn’t want to pay him royalties like they do athletes.

“Nike told me, 'We can't give you royalties because you're not a professional athlete.' I told them, 'I'll go to the Garden and play one-on-no one.' I'm a performance athlete,” he states.

In related news, in true Kanye fashion, the multi-talented entertainer is urging his fans to not purchase anything Louis Vuitton until after January (2014).

"Everybody in New York City right now, don't buy any Louis Vuitton until after January," Ye proposed while visiting New York's 92.3 NOW radio station.

Apparently, Kanye has been with the company’s CEO.

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