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Nas Compares Hip Hop’s Importance to Computer Science

Hip Hop legend Nas recently kick started his fellowship program at Harvard University, which sees him sharing his expertise with the University’s new Hip Hop Archive program called The Nasir Jones Hip-Hop Fellowship. The curriculum benefit students who excel in the arts connected to the genre.

While promoting the program at one on the country’s top Ivy League Schools, the Queens MC spoke with onlookers about how Hip Hop educated him while he was growing up.

"Hip-hop is important like computer science,” Nas reportedly stated. “The world is changing. If you want to understand the youth, listen to the music. This is what's happening right underneath your nose."

He adds: "One thing that drew me to hip-hop was the things (rappers) Kurtis Blow… Melle Mel was saying, I would ask my folks, 'What do Run-D.M.C. or Rakim mean by this?'

The fellowship is a result of a major endowment from an anonymous donor who wanted to name the program after the rapper.

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