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Kanye West Storms Off Stage During Tampa ‘Yeezus Tour’ Stop

Kanye West demands perfection, and if that doesn’t happen, he will more than likely retaliate in some way, shape or form.

With that said, the hot tempered hip hop star walked off stage during a “Yeezus” tour stop at the Tampa Forum in Tampa, FL on Saturday night (Nov 30) because the sound and lighting wasn’t to his liking.

According to the Tampa Tribune newspaper, West demanded the lights to be turned down and said stage engineers didn’t have the right effects on his microphone. He also reportedly complained about his image on the venue’s big screens, which was supposed to be in monochrome and not color.

He later returned to the stage to complete the concert and during that time he was quoted on comparing himself to Nelson Mandela, Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs, citing they also had plenty of detractors during the height of their success.

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