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T.I. and The Game Has Standoff With LAPD After Bloody Fight (Video)

This is misunderstanding gone wrong.

Rappers T.I. and The Game had an intense standoff with the LAPD this morning after a fight left two of their crew members beaten severely.

How it all started:

TMZ cameras caught the incident, in which "mutual acquaintances" of both The Game and T.I. were trying to gain entrance into LA’s hotspot the Supperclub. After being denied, someone allegedly punched a security guard and that’s when all hell broke loose.

Several club security members launched an attack on two men, punching and kicking them to a bloody pulp. Security then held both men on the ground before police came and put them in cuffs.

The Standoff:

After hearing about the fight, T.I. and The Game exited the club and noticed two members of their crew were bloody and in police custody. That’s when they had a standoff with the police, which many would think would turn to violence. After realizing that it was security that beat up their crew, the two rappers switched their forceful energy back to the club security.

During this time, several members of T.I. and The Game’s posse were heard yelling gang related slang.

The two men arrested were later released after no charges were pressed.

Crazy! We won’t even comment on this situation.

What are your thoughts Roomies?

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