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Nicki Minaj Delays New Single “Anaconda,” Reveals Enticing Frontal Photo

After all the bootylicious hype, fans will have to wait another week for the premiere of Nicki Minaj’s next single “Anaconda.”

Previously announced to arrive on July 28th, the Young Money rapper took to Instagram today to disclose the delay to her legion of followers.

“My darlingz, I’ve pushed the release of Anaconda to next week, Monday 8/4,” wrote Minaj. “I promise you will understand why before the week is out.”

In addition, Minaj also uploaded a less provocative promo photo for “Anaconda” — she received a heap of negative flock for the previous image, which showed her bare derriere in a G string along with blue Jordans and a pink bra.

Fans have been going crazy with the photo, making all kinds of Memes! You can view some on Minaj’s IG here.

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