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Andre 3000 Talks Possible Retirement: “I Don’t Want to be a 40-Year-Old Rapper”

Although he’s been on somewhat absent for some time now, Andre 3000 may only have another year left in the rap game. The one half Outkast member, who has only done a few collaborations and tour dates in the last few years, says he’s a fan of rap and he doesn’t want to “infiltrate it with old blood.”

Speaking with the New York Times, Andre states, "I remember, at like 25, saying, 'I don't want to be a 40-year-old rapper.' I'm 39 now, and I'm still standing by that. I'm such a fan that I don't want to infiltrate it with old blood."

Andre also admits that he now finds it hard to relate to younger people, and has to use his son as a muse when he’s writing rap lyrics.

He explains, “I struggle with the verses. I don’t sit around and write raps, I just don’t. Now the only time I’m really inspired to write raps is if an artist that I enjoy invites me to their party. So if Future calls and says, “Hey man, I want you to do this,” I don’t want to let Future down. I don’t want to let Lil Wayne or Drake down, because I love them.”

He continued: “My son, he’s 16. Him and his buddies, they’ll be in the car, and I’ll say, “Hey, what do you think about this verse?” That’s my gauge at this point. I don’t have the pulse. Part of art is knowing when not to put paint on. And when to change your medium.”

We may still get one more album though… when asked about releasing more music, Andre 3000 says, "I'd love to put out an album."

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