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More Music Copyright Drama: Jay Z Agrees to Pay Royalties for Sample on ‘Magna Carta Holy Grail’

Robin Thicke and Pharrell aren’t the only ones battling copyright infringement issues…

After over a year, Jay Z has agreed to split royalties with 78-year-old Swizz musician Bruno Spoerri for using one of his instrumentals on the song “Versus” from his last album Magna Carta Holy Grail without permission. The song samples Spoerri’s “On the Way,” a tune from his 1978 album Glückskugel.

While Spoerri was flattered that Jay would use his music, he’s was also annoyed the sample wasn’t cleared first: "I'm furious because it would have been so simple to clear the sample," he told SwissInfo last year. "All it would have needed was a call or an email to the company and I think it would have been relatively cheap."

Check both songs below; unlike the "Blurred Lines" case, it's very clear to hear the sample, so it's only fair of Jay to simply up the royalties. Trial averted…

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