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Listen to JaiRO Raps’ ‘Slow It Down’

Hailing from sunny California, newcomer JaiRO Raps brings his Latin flare to the rap game. Releasing his new EP #OMFG just a few weeks ago, JaiRO celebrates with its lead single, “Slow It Down.”

In the bilingual rap song, the rapper discusses the gatekeepers of the industry and the constant push for 360 deals. He discusses the unfairness of record labels and how they try to stifle artists of their creativity.

Throughout the song, the emcee is haunted by an evil voice, “This is pretty much what we’re trying to offer you. It’s the best deal possible,” he hears it say. “Trust me when I tell you this. 360 deal, nothing like it in corporate America.”

The six-track EP released via Builders Music Group is JaiRO Raps’ portfolio and opportunity to showcase his native rhyming skills and exciting wordplay. #O.M.F.G. also includes features from fellow label mates SpiffyUNO and K.A.A.N., along with production from Grammy-nominated producer Dem Jointz, singer-songwriter-producer Didda Joe, and in-house producer SoundsByKrock.

Listen to “Slow It Down” below.

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