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T.I. Disagrees With Kanye West But Supports Him: “He’s Working Through His Own Personal Journey”

Rap veteran T.I. is supporting Kanye West’s recent bizarre rants, citing that the ‘Heartless’ hitmaker is “working through his own personal journey.”

West received a load of negative shade since returning to Twitter last month and pledging his support for controversial President Donald Trump. He generated a worldwide stir earlier this week after making insensitive remarks that “slavery was a choice.”

T.I., who recently collaborated with West on the new song, “Ye vs. The People,” recently visited New York radio station Hot 97, and revealed that he disagrees with the majority of the rapper’s political views and claims Kanye is “doing something that none of us understands.”

“The longer I spent talking with him, the more I started to see what he was saying,” T.I. said of a recent four-hour meet-up with Kanye. “If you just hear him say something in 10 seconds or 15 seconds, you’re going to think he’s lost his mind. But the more he speaks about it, even when I don’t agree with it, I feel like he’s working through his own personal journey.”

He adds, “I think he’s on a personal journey and he’s doing something that none of us understands. We’ve just got to make him aware of the things that could potentially hurt (people).”

T.I. also stopped by The Breakfast Club and once again stressed his viewpoint that Kanye shouldn’t be disregarded because he has such a huge talent.

“I think he’s a phenomenal talent of our generation that deserves to be heard and considered, no matter how preposterous it may be,” he explained. “I disagree with it emphatically, you dig what I’m saying? But first of all, this is Kanye West we’re talking about here. It ain’t but maybe one percent of the population of the Earth who speak the language of Kanye West. And the problem is, the stuff that comes in his head, when it comes out of his mouth and makes it to the air, it’s totally different than it was in his head. He kind of needs a translator.”

Elsewhere in the interview, T.I. said that Kanye is “emphatically certainly serious” about running for president in 2020.

Although we disagree with Ye, we won’t turn our back on him!

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