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Jay-Z Under Fire for Choosing Cuba as Anniversary Destination?

Video and pictures show married couple of five years Beyonce and Jay-Z receiving a hearty welcome from Cuban citizens, but not all Cubans were happy about the power couple’s visit. Mauricio Claver-Carone, who is a Cuban-American lobbyist for the US-Cuba Democracy PAC (a group in D.C. who are committed to bringing democracy to Cuba), felt the celebrity couple shouldn’t have vacationed there because the country is facing hard times.

"There are women getting beaten on a daily basis, women who are being jailed for no reason … people are fighting for their freedom. It’s extremely insensitive,” he told TMZ.

Citizens of the U.S. are supposed to acquire a travel license from the US government in order to set foot on Cuban soil, as Americans are banned from visiting Cuba for tourism purposes. The couple and their mothers touched down in Cuba this past week to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary.

Below is a recent video of Beyonce dancing to Salsa.

via Singersroom

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